Yellowstone national park has private companies come to geyser basins in the park cause they want to collect unusual microbial samples that thrives hydrothermal areas.In 1997 Yellowstone park a benefits sharing agreement and was ensuring a portion of the future profits.Yellowstone national park research could go toward the park research preservation.
Wild life has more things,food,and drinks to live with .
So the bacteria won’t hurt people.
They could find better use for the bacteria for example growing plants.
Since they are not letting them take things they have less space
Sometimes it’s necessary to leave the bacteria cause it’s good for the environment.
If you let one company take samples a lot more companies are going to want more samples.
Simone Biles was born March 14,1997 in columbus,Ohio.She was not rich/wealthy growing up.She is the world’s artistic gymnast.She is very flexible and her height is 4.8.One of her best personality’s is she has a great sense of humor.People who like gymnastics or goes to watch the olympics knows Simone Biles.The things she likes to do is play with her four german shepherd’s, and go on adventures.Some of her friends say that Simone is kind,athletic,and strong.One thing that is unique about her is that she works hard and learns fast she also has a lot of motivation.Something that we have in common is we both love gymnastics and we are competitive.Something that is different is she learns faster than me.One thing that I did not know was she has been in and out of foster care.
Source:Simone biles biography.
He was most notable french involved in American Revolution.
He was a assistant to George Washington .
The two men became friends.
George Washington promoted.
Marquis de Lafeyett.
To field commander.
Lafeyett performed well as a commander
Emily Geiger
She was born 1765 in Lexington district South carolina . She was brave to volunteer to be a messenger at 18 years old.Whe general green gave Emily a message to deliver but if she got caught by the tories she had to burn it.Even though there were alot of tories every where in the country she still proposed to general green as a messenger.A couple invited Emily inside their home and she realized that they were tories,so she snuck out of the house at dawn.She snuck out at dawn because When she was in her bedroom she heard the tories over talking and said there was a girl riding around on a horse. she was afraid she will get caught.There were accounts of women who have nobly performed their patriot duty.One of those women were Emily Geiger.When she was on a military mission as a civilian she got captured by the tories.Emily pursued her journey on a horseback sidesaddle.A officer sent for an old tory matron to search for her papers.
On Monday is a day were you serve for others,like Martin luther king jr did.He created a speech called “I have a dream” he wanted to make all colored people fill the same as the white and be treated equally and his four children.Some people agreed with him and some disagreed with him.He was also the youngest to get a nobel prize.In April fourth 1968 He got assassinated.

Minutemen were troops that were created to get ready to fight at moments notice and If the soldiers left Boston on foot revers Concrade would hang one lantern if they set off in boats he was to hang two Date of when try is took place is April 18,1775 Not likely he owned a horse because he could not transport it out of Boston across river If one if by land if two if by sea Going to race to Concorde to warn patriots British were coming to arrest them He was a craftsman and amateur dentist The night riders were
William Dawes,Samuel Prescott,Paul revere
Revere and his riders mission was to ride to Lexington mass,Despite some thinking revere did the ride by himself he did not he had forty riders Engravings is one of his most famous art that people liked.
i did Dance Party it was fun because you got to control our own creative hour of code. i went to level five i also wish i could do way more coding because it is so so much fun.
Today is a day I will be working on pottery. I love working here because you get
to make all kinds of stuff and we get to make bowls,mugs,and jugs
for the colonists that need it in their everyday lives.I also love that these
bowls,mugs,and jugs are made out of clay.Why I love it is because I love getting creative.
Sometimes in our spare time we would make pottery and sell them to our neighbors.
We also had our own colonial kitchen that had plenty of pottery.Some early colonial pots,called
redware,were glazed with lead.If you add sand to the clay it would be made stronger.making
pots were lots of work.a pottery needed to be coordinated to use a will.